
La geopolitica delle rotte marittime


The trade war currently ensuing between the US and several nations around the globe, most fiercely with China, shows no signs of the first set of tariffs levied…

Scricchiola un tabù: tassi negativi anche sui nostri conti correnti?


The trade war currently ensuing between the US and several nations around the globe, most fiercely with China, shows no signs of the first set of tariffs levied…

Come valutare un’azienda pensando al Margin Safety


The trade war currently ensuing between the US and several nations around the globe, most fiercely with China, shows no signs of the first set of tariffs levied…

Che cosa sono le imprese zombie e perché forse è giunta la loro ora


The trade war currently ensuing between the US and several nations around the globe, most fiercely with China, shows no signs of the first set of tariffs levied…